Montessori Alphabet Activity: A. |
This post is written in English and Bahasa Indonesia.
Meski masih harus banyak membaca tentang metode Montessori, saya tertarik untuk mencoba kegiatan yang satu ini: Montessori Alphabet Activity. Guru atau orang tua yang menggunakan metode ini tidak sekedar mengajarkan nama huruf A, B, C, dst pada anak namun lebih pada bunyi hurufnya.
Even though I still have to read more about this Montessori Method, I'm already interested in trying Montessori Alphabet Activity with Rayyaan. Teachers and parents who use this method do not only teach the name of the letters A, B, C, etc but more on the sound of the letter.
Even though I still have to read more about this Montessori Method, I'm already interested in trying Montessori Alphabet Activity with Rayyaan. Teachers and parents who use this method do not only teach the name of the letters A, B, C, etc but more on the sound of the letter.
Kalau dalam Bahasa Inggris, huruf "C" kita ucapkan dengan "si" (bunyi /s/). Dalam kata "city" pengucapan huruf "C" nya dengan bunyi /s/. Tapi dalam kata-kata seperti "car" dan "cat", pengucapan huruf "C" nya dengan bunyi /k/. Jadi berdasarkan pendekatan Montessori, pengajaran nama hurufnya ditunda supaya anak tidak bingung, kok huruf yang sama tapi bunyinya bisa berbeda.
Remember the first time we had our English lesson? The teacher taught us about alphabets in English. In English we pronounce "C" as "si" with /s/ sound. In the word "city", we pronounce "C" with /s/ sound. But in the word "car" or "cat" we pronounce "C" with /k/ sound. Based on Montessori approach, teaching the letter names can be delayed so that children won't be confused. Because some letters can have different sounds.
Baca: Montessori Alphabet Activity: B
Baca: Montessori Alphabet Activity: B
Apple = Apel, Cloud = Awan, Envelope = Amplop, Dog = Anjing (Bahasa Indonesia) |
Saya mengadopsi metode tersebut untuk pengenalan alfabet dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Tapi nama hurufnya sudah saya kenalkan pada Rayyaan. Selain karena memang ia sudah bisa menyebutkan huruf A sampai Z, dalam Bahasa Indonesia kan biasanya tidak ada perbedaan bunyi seperti dalam Bahasa Inggris. Dalam kata-kata seperti "cicak", "cendol", atau "capung" bunyi huruf "C" nya tetap sama.
I adopted the method to introduce alphabets in Bahasa Indonesia, even though Rayyaan can already mention letter names from A to Z. In Bahasa Indonesia the alphabets don't have any different sounds. In Bahasa Indonesia we pronounce "C" as "ce". In words such as "cicak" (house lizard), "cincin" (ring), or "capung" (dragonfly) we pronounce "C" still with /c/ sound.
I adopted the method to introduce alphabets in Bahasa Indonesia, even though Rayyaan can already mention letter names from A to Z. In Bahasa Indonesia the alphabets don't have any different sounds. In Bahasa Indonesia we pronounce "C" as "ce". In words such as "cicak" (house lizard), "cincin" (ring), or "capung" (dragonfly) we pronounce "C" still with /c/ sound.
Di hari pertama topiknya adalah huruf "A". Saat Rayyaan tidur siang saya siapkan sebuah nampan dan beberapa benda untuk kegiatan Montessori Alphabet Activity: A ini yaitu:
1. Stik es krim.
1. Stik es krim.
2. Kartu huruf "A".
3. Gambar awan.
4. Amplop.
5. Buah apel.
6. Mainan berbentuk anjing.
Baca: Kumpulan Kegiatan Montessori.
The topic in #playandlearnday1 was letter "A". While Rayyaan was taking a nap I prepared a tray with some objects for Montessori Alphabet Activity: A:
1. Ice cream sticks (popsicle sticks).
2. A card with letter "A".
3. Picture of clouds.
4. An envelope.
5. An apple.
6. A dog toy.
In Bahasa Indonesia, cloud means awan, envelope means amplop, apple means apel, and dog means anjing. Awan, amplop, apel, and anjing. All with "A" as the first letter.
Baca: Kumpulan Kegiatan Montessori.
The topic in #playandlearnday1 was letter "A". While Rayyaan was taking a nap I prepared a tray with some objects for Montessori Alphabet Activity: A:
1. Ice cream sticks (popsicle sticks).
2. A card with letter "A".
3. Picture of clouds.
4. An envelope.
5. An apple.
6. A dog toy.
In Bahasa Indonesia, cloud means awan, envelope means amplop, apple means apel, and dog means anjing. Awan, amplop, apel, and anjing. All with "A" as the first letter.
A untuk Apel (A for Apel (Apple)) |
Karena ia sudah mengenal alfabet jadi ia langsung mengambil kartunya dan menyebutkan "huruf A". Lalu saya ajak ia menyebutkan benda-benda yang namanya diawali dengan huruf tersebut yaitu, apel, awan, anjing, dan amplop. Kita bisa menggunakan benda apapun, tapi biasanya bendanya berukuran kecil atau muat diletakkan di dalam nampan. Sebisa mungkin sih tidak cuma gambarnya saja, tapi ada juga benda aslinya atau miniaturnya. Jadi kita juga bisa membahas warna bendanya, teksturnya, atau kegunaannya. Kalau menggunakan miniatur hewan kita bisa ajak anak menghitung kakinya, memegang ekornya, atau menirukan bunyinya. Selain menggunakan benda yang anak sudah tau namanya kita juga bisa menggunakan benda ya ia belum tau namanya, jadi kan bisa menambah kosakata anak.
We can use any objects around us. Teachers and parents usually use small-size objects that can be put in a tray. If it's possible don't only use the picture but use the real object or the miniature. We can discss the color, texture, or the usage. If we use animal miniatures we can encourage children to count the legs or imitate the sound. In addition to using objects that children already know the name, we can also use objects which he didn't know before to increase his vocabulary.
Making letter 'A' with popsicle stiks. |
Setelah itu saya minta Rayyaan membuat huruf A dengan stik es krim. Jadi ia tidak hanya melihat saja tapi juga membuat bentuk huruf A. Kalau tidak ada stik es krim kita juga bisa menggunakan lidi, ranting, sendok dan garpu, sedotan, atau apa sajalah yang bisa digunakan he he.
After that, I asked Rayyaan to create letter "A" with popsicle sticks. No popsicle sticks? Use spoons, straws, pencils, or any objects we find at home.
Mantaap.. Naia juga lagi belajar tentang alfabet nih, sama persis caranya. TFS maak ;)
ReplyDeleteSama sama Mak :) Salam buat Naia
DeleteJadi inget film india tentang anak yang susah mengenali huruf. A for aple B for ball begitu pelajarannya
ReplyDeleteWah film apa tuh ya judulnya ^_^