Science Project: Nebula in a Jar |
This post is written in Bahasa Indonesia and English.
Selain Ocean in a Jar, proyek lain yang saya buat bersama Rayyaan kemarin pagi adalah Nebula in a Jar. Nebula itu apa sih? Nebula (dari bahasa latin yang artinya "kabut"; jamak: nebulae) adalah awan antar bintang yang terdiri dari debu, gas, dan plasma. Lihat deh beberapa contoh gambar nebula di bawah ini:
Besides Ocean in a Jar, Rayyaan and I had one more project yesterday. That was to make Nebula in a Jar. A nebula (Latin for "cloud";pl. nebulae, nebulæ, or nebulas) is an interstellar cloud of dust, hydrogen, helium and other ionized gases. See some examples of nebulae here:
Besides Ocean in a Jar, Rayyaan and I had one more project yesterday. That was to make Nebula in a Jar. A nebula (Latin for "cloud";pl. nebulae, nebulæ, or nebulas) is an interstellar cloud of dust, hydrogen, helium and other ionized gases. See some examples of nebulae here:
Credit pic: NASA |
Credit pic: NASA |
Credit pic: NASA |
Masya Allah, cantik ya. Saat sedang berselancar di dunia maya saya menemukan ide kegiatan anak berupa cara membuat Nebula in a Jar. Dan ide ini langsung saya praktekkan bersama Rayyaan kemarin pagi. Ternyata ada teman saya yang juga tertarik untuk membuat proyek ini.
Masya Allah, nebulae are beautiful, right? When I was browsing I found a post about kids activity: Making Nebula in a Jar. I did this activity with Rayyaan yesterday morning and turned out that one of my friend was interested in making the same project. So here are the materials and tools needed to create this project:
Baca: Science Project: Apel, Pisang, dan Jeruk Nipis.
Baca: Science Project: Apel, Pisang, dan Jeruk Nipis.
Materials and tools needed. |
Bahan dan alat:
1. Toples selai.
2. Air.
3. Pewarna makanan (selain warna biru dan merah rose, saya juga menggunakan warna kuning).
4. Glitter.
5. Kapas.
6. Sumpit atau sendok untuk mengaduk.
Materials and tools:
1. Mason jar.
2. Water.
3. Food colorants (besides blue and red, I used yellow food colorant, too).
4. Cotton.
How to make nebula in a jar. |
Cara membuat:
1. Isi toples dengan sedikit air berwarna biru.
2. Masukkan kapas hingga semua air terserap.
3. Beri sejumput glitter.
4. Tekan-tekan kapas.
6. Beri kapas lagi (tapi jangan sampai penuh).
7. Tuangkan air berwarna merah.
8. Beri sejumput glitter dan tekan-tekan kapas.
9. Ulangi langkah 6-8 (silakan pilih warna yang diinginkan) sampai botol terisi penuh.
How to make:
1. Fill the mason jar with blue water (about 1/4 full).
2. Put some cotton until all the water is absorbed.
3. Sprinkle some glitter.
4. Press the cotton with spoon or chopstick.
5. Put more cotton.
6. Pour some water (with different color).
7. Put some glitter, and press the cotton.
8. Repeat step 6-8 to create another layers.
How to make nebula in a jar. |
How to make nebula in a jar. |
How to make nebula in a jar. |
How to make nebula in a jar. |
Nebula in a jar. |
Nebula in a jar. |
Nah ini dia Nebula yang kami buat. Semoga lewat proyek Nebula dan Ocean in a Jar ini Rayyaan tidak hanya menikmati saat pembuatannya juga hasil akhirnya, tapi juga sebagai pengingat (bagi saya juga) akan kebesaran Allah.
Here's our Nebula in a Jar. Hopefully Rayyaan enjoyed doing the two project we had yesterday. And I wish the results of these projects will remind him (and me also) of the Greatness of Allah.
Ocean in a Jar and Nebula in a Jar. |
Menariikk.. Siap dicoba jugaaa ;)
ReplyDeleteYuk dicoba :)
DeleteHmmm bagus mbak jadi pengen coba nih.